Monday, July 23, 2007

Give it a name

Ma told me, son, one thing I know is true

Poison snake bites you, you're poison, too.

At night I feel the poison running through my veins…

(Gave it a name-Bruce Springsteen)


I used to want to be something great. Something noble, you know. Something I could admire. And up to very recently I believed that if I just got through the night, a few hours would meld into a couple of years and become enough distance between my failures and me. The failures of what I am will cease to be the failures that I am.

And then I could pick myself up and proceed to my something great.

But on this particular night, this still night, the water falling away from my walls, I know, what prizes were too costly. Forget glory. I will settle for peace.


I just want to sleep.


I have soared to and through enormous heights, and I have plummeted downwards, and through these altitudes and these depths the thrill of motion was rapturous.


But something was always missing, the very thing I held in my hands was the thing I never new. Greatness was always tarnished by its own lack. But now I want stillness. Just that.


Blogger Iwaya said...

Almost Amen!

6:45 AM  
Blogger The 27th Comrade said...

Cummon, Iwaya. This is truly amen.

8:22 AM  
Blogger Iwaya said...

27th, I do not entirely agree with the gospel being preached.

2:24 AM  
Blogger leos child said...

i sometimes get that feeling still figuring what to do about it,that bruce quote i feel.

5:55 AM  
Blogger Iwaya said...

damnit! we already gave it a name! can we have something new?

2:19 AM  
Blogger leos child said...

i have tagged you please check my blog.

5:44 AM  
Blogger Iwaya said...

okay, how much do you want to blog again?

8:42 AM  

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