Tuesday, February 03, 2009

A Day In The Life

It's hard to get out of bed. I snooze the alarm one and a half dozen times each morning. I cling to my last dreams like a suicide to the wall.
When I finally open my eyes I can't find the energy to move. I just lie there, prone and silent, weak and helpless, tangled and pinned down. When it rains my brain whispers to me, to urge those five more minutes, the words: "You are not going to feel better than this again." And I surrender to that sweet warm moment.

Of course when I do rise, brush my teeth and start the coffee, once the day is underway, I forgot completely how ensnared I was. All it took to break free, I'll think, as I sip strong and black, was the mere decision. Just say the word and you will be free.

But tomorrow I'll hit the snooze button 15 times again. I'll languish in that spiderweb of half dreams again. Every morning is a lesson I don't learn.


Blogger Princess said...

It amuses me no end that I'm reading this whilst in bed at 11.00 am. And nodding my head all sage-like. :)

8:10 AM  
Blogger islander said...

very familiar...the lessons we dont learn.

12:26 PM  
Blogger Mrs.O said...

Sleep, it's such a battle sometimes. Reminds me of the saying that 'sleep is no respector of persons'.

1:25 PM  
Blogger jny23 said...

It feels good to know there are people out there with whom i share life's experiences.
I wake up every morning wishing its a saturday or sunday morning.

3:09 AM  
Blogger Darlkom said...

"Every morning is a lesson I don't learn" that right there did it for me.

11:49 PM  
Blogger lulu said...

goodness apart from the fact that this is my story,...you worte it so incredibly well, so much i am totally amazed at houw you captured it

5:32 AM  

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